VacAlert would like to remind you that Time Is Running Out - to comply with the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool & Spa Safety Act: requiring SVRS (safety vacuum release system) installation on public pools before December 19, 2008. Help spread the word within your community.
Suction entrapment can occur on residential pool and spa drains as well. Please remind friends, family and neighbors to switch to a SVRS system.
Even in the winter months kids can stray near water…. Chasing after a toy, the family pet or even from curiosity. Help keep them safe and protected with a pool alarm that will alert you before an accident can happen. MG International offers a variety of pool alarms and was rated Good Housekeeping’s “Favorite Item”.
Suction entrapment can occur on residential pool and spa drains as well. Please remind friends, family and neighbors to switch to a SVRS system.
Even in the winter months kids can stray near water…. Chasing after a toy, the family pet or even from curiosity. Help keep them safe and protected with a pool alarm that will alert you before an accident can happen. MG International offers a variety of pool alarms and was rated Good Housekeeping’s “Favorite Item”.
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