TOYS"R"US, INC. OFFERS TOY SHOPPING AND PLAY TIPS TO HELP PARENTS KEEP KIDS SAFE THIS HOLIDAY SEASON In Collaboration with Safe Kids Worldwide, Company Provides Valuable Information on Selecting the Right Gifts, Proper Toy Assembly and Supervising Play As holiday shoppers begin to purchase gifts on little ones' wish lists, Toys"R"Us, Inc., in collaboration with Safe Kids Worldwide, the world's leading childhood injury prevention organization, has developed a list of Safe Holiday Toy Shopping and Play Tips. The tips, available on the company's dedicated Safety microsite, www.Toysrus.com/Safety, provide valuable information regarding gift selection, proper assembly and supervision for anyone buying a toy for a child this season – all in an effort to prevent unintentional childhood injuries.
"With the excitement of the holidays, gift-givers should not lose sight of the importance of choosing the RIGHT toy for the child on their list," said Jerry Storch, Chairman and CEO, Toys"R"Us, Inc. "In addition to the tips we've developed with Safe Kids Worldwide, customers can also obtain advice on proper toy selection from knowledgeable sales associates in Toys"R"Us stores and through the new Gift Finder function on our e-commerce site."
Through the end of December, www.Toysrus.com/Safety will focus on educating parents, caregivers, friends and other family members about making good toy-buying decisions to help keep kids safe this holiday season and throughout the year. Tips are available on the following topics:
- Toy Selection – Tips for buying age- and skill-appropriate toys, purchasing safety gear to accompany ride-on gifts and examining packaging before making a purchase;
- Assembly – Information about avoiding unforeseen hazards as a result of incorrect assembly and misuse and the steps to take prior to giving the toy to the child;
- Supervising Play – Suggestions for providing instructions to children about proper toy use and safe toy storage, and what to do if a child receives a gift that is inappropriate for his/her age or skill level; and
- Maintenance – How to stay informed about toy recalls and other safety-related topics, as well as tips for regular toy inspection.
"Each year, hospital emergency rooms in the United States treat approximately 217,000 toy-related injuries that likely could be avoided by taking simple precautionary measures. With the majority of toy sales occurring between November and December, we want to be sure gift-givers are educated and vigilant about the toys they purchase," said Mitch Stoller, President and CEO, Safe Kids Worldwide. "We join Toys"R"Us in encouraging all toy-buyers to consult these tips and refer to them while shopping this holiday season."
More information about product safety is available on the company's dedicated Safety microsite, www.Toysrus.com/Safety.